Luqman Law wants to congratulate our client on obtaining his green card! We worked hard to remove him from Immigration Detention, with our final Asylum Trial resulting in a victory. His life is no longer in danger, and his family will be able to stay together.

This was one of our most difficult cases, and one of our most gratifying victories. We handle the most complex cases in all areas of Immigration and ensure every case Is completed in the best manner possible.

Luqman Law. Representing Humanity.

A promotional image for a law firm featuring two photographs side by side. On the left, a lawyer in professional attire stands between two men in a warm office environment. On the right, the same lawyer stands with a family of five, including three young children, in an indoor setting with a map in the background. The image has text overlays stating positive outcomes such as "Released from Detention. Asylum Granted. Green Card Received. A Family kept Whole." and includes contact information and the law firm